猪村 剛史 IMURA Takeshi 研究員
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/7000028294
Imura T et al.: Characteristics of microRNA expression depending on the presence or absence of meningioma in patients with neurofibromatosis type 2: a secondary
analysis. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo), in press
Imura T: Exploratory integrated analysis of circulating exosomal miRNA and tissue mRNA related to long-term physical activity for more than 25 years: a bioinformatics study. Eur J
Appl Physiol 123: 1447-1454, 2023
Imura T et al.: A simplified clinical prediction rule for prognosticating dependent daily living in patients with thoracic spinal cord injury: A multicenter nationwide Japan
registry study. Eur Neurol 86: 178-184, 2023
Imura T et al.: Predicting the prognosis of unilateral spatial neglect using magnetic resonance imaging in patients with stroke: A systematic review. Brain Res, 1789:
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Imura T et al.: Distinctive microRNA profiles
in serum of patients with neurofibromatosis type 2: A bioinformatic exploratory study. World Neurosurg, 164:
e127-e133, 2022
Imura T et al.: Comparison of supervised machine learning algorithms for classifying of home discharge possibility in convalescent stroke patients: A secondary
analysis. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 30: 106011, 2021
Imura T et al.: A systematic review of the usefulness of magnetic resonance imaging in predicting the gait ability of stroke patients. Sci Rep, 11: 14338,
Imura T et al.: Machine learning algorithm identifies the importance of environmental factors for hospital discharge to home of stroke patients using wheelchair
after discharge. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 30: 105868, 2021.
Imura T et al.: Decision tree
algorithm identifies stroke patients likely discharge home after rehabilitation using functional and environmental predictors. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 30: 105636, 2021
Imura T et al.: Clinical features for identifying the possibility of independence of toileting behavior
after convalescent inpatient rehabilitation in the patients with severe stroke: a decision tree analysis. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, 30: 105483, 2021
Imura T et al.: “Microgravity” as a
unique and useful stem cell culture environment for cell-based therapy. Regene Ther, 12: 2-5, 2019
Imura T et al.: Stem cell culture in
microgravity and its application in cell-based therapy. Stem Cells Dev, 27:1298-1302, 2018
Imura T et al.: Effect of early and
intensive rehabilitation in acute stroke patients: retrospective pre/post comparison in Japanese hospital. Disabil Rehabil, 40: 1452-1455, 2018
Imura T et al.: Predictions of motor outcomes and activities of daily living function using diffusion tensor tractography in acute hemiparetic stroke
patients. J Phys Ther Sci, 27: 1383-1386, 2015
Imura T et al.: Interactive effects of cell therapy and rehabilitation realize the full potential of neurogenesis in brain injury model.
Neurosci Lett, 555: 73-78, 2013
井上 優 INOUE Yu 研究員
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/yek319
Inoue Y et al.: Developing a clinical prediction rule for gait independence at discharge in patients with stroke: a decision-tree algorithm
analysis. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis, in press.
井上優、他:タイにおける脳卒中リハビリテーションの視察報告 吉備国際大学保健福祉研究所研究紀要 19 41 - 45 2018
井上優、他:回復期リハビリテーション病棟入棟脳卒中患者における日常生活動作能力の改善効率予測ルールの検討 吉備国際大学保健福祉研究所研究紀要 18 49 - 54 2017
井上優、他:脳卒中患者のDynamic gait index得点に対する二重課題トレーニングを併用した運動療法の効果検証 理学療法学 39(7) 418 - 426 2012
井上優、他:脳卒中患者のDynamic gait indexによる二重課題処理能力評価の妥当性の検証 理学療法科学 27(5) 583 - 587 2012
井上優、他:脳卒中患者の転倒予測尺度の予測精度に関する文献的検討 理学療法学 37(3) 167 - 173 2010
光武 翼 MITSUTAKE Tsubasa 研究員
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/tsubasamitsutake
Mitsutake T et al.: Effects of transcranial electrical stimulation of the right posterior parietal cortex on physical control responses. Neurosci Lett
818:137565, 2024.
Mitsutake T et al.: Changes in vestibular-related responses to combined noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation and cerebellar transcranial direct current
stimulation. Exp Brain Res 242:99-108, 2024.
Mitsutake T, et al.:. Noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation influences head stability in young healthy adults while standing on a moving platform. Gait
Posture 107:177-181, 2024.
Mitsutake T et al.: Effects of passive interpersonal light touch during walking on postural control responses: an exploratory study. Hum Mov Sci 87:103051,
Mitsutake T et al.: Effects of noisy galvanic vestibular stimulation on the muscle activity and joint movements in different standing postures conditions. Front Hum
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Mitsutake T et al.: Effects of Combining Online Anodal Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Gait Training in Stroke Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.
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Mitsutake T et al.: Increased Trailing Limb Angle is Associated with Regular and Stable Trunk Movements in Patients with
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Mitsutake T et al.: Comparing activated brain regions between noisy and conventional galvanic vestibular stimulation using
functional magnetic resonance imaging. NeuroReport 5;32(7):583-587, 2021
Mitsutake T et al.: The Effects of
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Mitsutake T et al.:Greater functional activation during galvanic vestibular stimulation is associated with improved
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Mitsutake T et al.:The
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Mitsutake T et al.: Standing postural stability during galvanic vestibular stimulation is associated with the
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Mitsutake T et al.: The effects of electromyography-triggered neuromuscular electrical stimulation plus tilt
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Mitsutake T et al.: Effects of the combination therapy of tilt sensor functional electrical stimulation and
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Mitsutake T et
al.:Transient Effects of Gaze Stability Exercises on Postural Stability in Patients With Posterior Circulation Stroke. J Mot Behav. 50(4):467-472, 2018
Mitsutake T et al.:Poor
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Mitsutake T et
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Mitsutake T et
al.:Greater Cervical Muscle Fat Infiltration Evaluated by Magnetic Resonance Imaging is Associated With Poor Postural Stability in Patients With Cervical Spondylotic Radiculopathy.
Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 41(1):E8-14, 2016
Mitsutake T et
al.:Effect of neck and trunk rotation speeds on cerebral cortex activity and standing postural stability: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy study. J Phys Ther Sci.
27(9):2817-9, 2015
Mitsutake T et al.:The
Control of Postural Stability during Standing is Decreased in Stroke Patients during Active Head Rotation. J Phys Ther Sci. 26(11):1799-801, 2014
西元 淳司 NISHIMOTO Junji 研究員
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/junji_nishimoto
Nishimoto J et al.: Minimal clinically important differences in short-term postoperative Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (KOOS) after total knee
arthroplasty: A prospective cohort study. Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation 30 1-6, 2023
Nishimoto J et al.: Derivation of a clinical prediction rule for chronic post-surgical pain after total knee arthroplasty
considering biopsychosocial factors: A prospective cohort study. Knee 42 364-372, 2023
Nishimoto J et al.: Effects of combined exercise and psychological interventions on psychological factors after total knee
arthroplasty: A systematic review. Int J Gerontol 17(2) 82-88, 2023
田中 繁治 TANAKA Shigeharu 研究員
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/pt-stanaka
Tanaka S et al.: Temporal validation of a clinical prediction rule for distinguishing locomotive syndromes in community-dwelling older adults: A cross-sectional
study from the DETECt-L Study. Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia in press
Tanaka S et al.: Diagnostic accuracy of physical examination tests for suspected acute anterior cruciate ligament injury: A systematic
review and meta-analysis. Int J Sports Phys Ther 17(5):742-752 2022
Tanaka S et al.: Clinical prediction rule for locomotive syndrome in older adults: a decision tree model. Journal of
Orthopaedic Science 4: 886-894 2022
Tanaka S et al.: Identifying target values of body composition for preventing frailty: A descriptive study in older adults. Gerontology and Geriatric
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Tanaka S et al.: Diagnostic test accuracy of physical examination tests in suspected patellofemoral osteoarthritis: a systematic review. International Journal of
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Tanaka S et al.: Healthcare-seeking behavior and recognition of physical therapy among Japanese residents in Thailand: A
descriptive study Journal of Physical Therapy Science 33(5): 388-393 2021
Tanaka S et al.: A clinical prediction rule for predicting a delay in quality of life recovery at 1 month after total knee
arthroplasty: A decision tree model. Journal of orthopaedic science 26(3): 415-420 2020
Tanaka S et al.: Self-reported physical activity is related to knee muscle strength on the unaffected side and walking
ability in patients with knee osteoarthritis awaiting total knee arthroplasty: a cross-sectional study. Physiotherapy theory and practice 38(3): 441-447 2020
Tanaka S et al.: Factors associated with health-related quality of life in Japanese patients with hip osteoarthritis: a
cross-sectional study Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation 2020
Tanaka S et al.: Does body mass index influence quality-of-life recovery in individuals who underwent total knee
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Tanaka S et al.: Factors related to psychological distress in young and middle-aged Japanese residents in Thailand: a
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Tanaka S et al.: Do Sociodemographic Factors Relate to Walking Ability in Individuals Who Underwent Total Knee
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Tanaka S et al.: Walking speed affects instrumental activities of daily living in patients with hip osteoarthritis.
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Tanaka S et al.: Factors related to low back pain in patients with hip osteoarthritis. Journal of back and
musculoskeletal rehabilitation 28(2): 409-414 2015
山科 俊輔 YAMASHINA Shunsuke 研究員
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/s.yamashina
Yamashina S et al.: Abnormal Gait Pattern Examination Screening for Physical Activity Level after One Year in Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. J Funct Morphol
Kinesiol. 8(1): 24 2023
Yamashina S et al.: Estimation of reference intervals for physical fitness indicators in healthy community-dwelling older adults. Gazzetta Medica Italiana - Archivio per
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山科俊輔、他: 保存療法中の変形性膝関節症患者を対象とした観察に基づく歩行異常性評価の構築に向けた研究;評価の項目特性,因子妥当性,併存的妥当性および検者間信頼性 理学療法ジャーナル 5 (8) 922 – 930 2021
山科俊輔、他: 保存療法中の変形性膝関節症患者に対する歩行異常性の観察評価と三次元歩行解析データとの基準関連妥当性および再検査信頼性の検討 The Japanese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine 56(12) 1032 - 1043 2019
天方 さゆみ AMAGATA Sayumi 教育研究補助職員
濱田 和明 HAMADA Kazuaki 教育研究補助職員
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濱田和明、他:着地時の体幹前傾が膝関節周囲筋に与える影響. 体力科学, 2012
廣濱 賢太 HIROHAMA Kenta 教育研究補助職員
Hirohama K et al.: The effects of nonpharmacological sleep hygiene on sleep quality in nonelderly individuals: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of
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Hirohama K et al.: Effects of Non-Face-to-Face and Noncontact Interventions on Knee Pain and Physical Activity in Older Adults With Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review
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廣濱賢太、他:疼痛との関連性の違いから分類する変形性膝関節症罹患者の表現型:多施設共同横断研究, 理学療法の臨床と研究 25, 2016
廣濱賢太、他:総説 運動器理学療法の基本理論, 理学療法の臨床と研究 27, 2018
堀 智成 HORI Tomonari 教育研究補助職員
Hori T et al. Development of a clinical prediction rule for patients with cervical spinal cord injury who have difficulty in obtaining
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山﨑 諒 YAMASAKI Ryo 教育研究補助職員
岩本 優士 IWAMOTO Yuji 研究協力者
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/ot-y-iwamoto
Iwamoto Y et al.: Clinical prediction rule for identifying the stroke patients who will obtain
clinically important improvement of upper limb motor function by robot-assisted upper limb. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases in press
Iwamoto Y et al.: Does frequent use of an exoskeletal upper limb robot improve motor
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Iwamoto Y et al.: Development and validation of machine learning-based prediction
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Iwamoto Y et al.: Combination of exoskeletal upper limb robot and occupational therapy improve activities of daily living
function in acute stroke patients. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 28;2018-2025 2019
鄭 勳九 JUNG Hungu 研究協力者
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/HunguJung
Jung H et al.: Estimation of reference values of gait spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters in the lower extremities and trunk using a markerless motion capture
system for healthy older Japanese adults Physical Therapy Research 26:106–113 2023.
Jung H et al.: Association of sarcopenia, pre-sarcopenia, and dynapenia with the onset and progression of locomotive syndrome in Japanese older adults: A
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Jung H et al.: A cutoff value for body composition on the severity of locomotive syndrome in Japanese older women: A cross-sectional
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Jung H et al.: Reductions in Muscle Strength and Range of Motion Cause Locomotion Disability via Locomotion-related Functional Limitation in Japanese Older
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Jung H et al.: Relationship between mobility-related activities of daily living and health-related quality of life among healthy older adults: A cross-sectional
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Jung H et al.: A model used to consider lower extremity range of motion to identify fall experience in community-dwelling older women: a retrospective
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Jung H et al.: Association of lower extremity range of motion and muscle strength with physical performance of community-dwelling
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松本 浩実 MATSUMOTO Hiromi 研究協力者
博士(保健学)、理学療法士、運動器認定理学療法士 運動器専門理学療法士
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/hiromatsu/
研究室HP https://www.hmatsumotofracturelabo.com/
松本浩実、他:医療系成人女子学生における骨粗鬆症と骨折リスクに関する知識の調査:骨折既往の有無の影響 日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 8(1) 57-64 2022
松本浩実、他:ロコモ予防教育プログラムは運動習慣のない一般高齢者の運動習慣とロコモを改善させるか 運動器リハビリテーション 32(2) 205-212 2021
Matsumoto H et al.: FRAX score and recent fall history predict the incidence for sarcopenia in community-dwelling older adults:
a prospective cohort study Osteoporos Int 31(10)1985-1994 2020
松本浩実、他:地域高齢者におけるフレイルの進行度と運動および運動自己効力感の関連性について─横断的観察研究による実態調査─ 理学療法学46(6) 429-436 2019
Matsumoto H et al.: Association between speed of sound of calcaneal bone assessed by quantitative ultrasound and sarcopenia in
a general older adult population: A cross-sectional study Journal of Orthopaedic Science 24(5) 906-911 2019
松本浩実、他:一般住民における運動器健診後の骨粗鬆症精密検査受診割合とその要因についての縦断的調査 日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 4(4) 119-126 2018
松本浩実、他:地域在住高齢者におけるサルコペニアと住生活状況、運動習慣の関連性についての横断的調査 日本骨粗鬆症学会雑誌 3(4) 395-404 2017
松本浩実、他:日野町におけるロコモ健診受診・非連続受診の要因検討 米子医学雑誌 69(1・2) 7-15 2018
Matsumoto H et al.: Sarcopenia is a risk factor for falling in independently living Japanese older adults: Two-year prospective
cohort study of the GAINA study Geriatrics & Gerontology International 17(11) 2124-2130 2017
Matsumoto H et al.: Locomotive syndrome presents a risk for falls and fractures in the elderly Japanese population
Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia 2(3) 156-163 2016
Matsumoto H et al.: The Effect of Balneotherapy on Pain Relief, Stiffness, and Physical Function in Patients with
Osteoarthritis of the Knee: A Meta-analysis Clinical Rheumatology 36(8)1839-1847 2017
Matsumoto H et al.: Comparison of healthcare workers transferring patients using either conventional or robotic wheelchairs:
kinematic, electromyographic, and electrocardiographic analyses Journal of Healthcare Engineering 2016
Matsumoto H et al.: Gait variability analyzed using an accelerometer is associated with locomotive syndrome among the general
elderly population: the GAINA study Journal of Orthopaedic Science 21 354-360 2016
松本浩実、他:ロコモティブシンドロームの重症度と転倒頻度、低骨密度及びサルコぺニアの関連性について 理学療法学43(1) 38-46 2016
Matsumoto H et al.: Diagnosis of knee osteoarthritis and gait variability increases risk of falling for osteoporotic older
adults: The GAINA study Osteoporosis and Sarcopenia 1 46-52 2015
Matsumoto H et al.: Accelerometry-based gait analysis predicts falls among patients with a recent fracture who are ambulatory:
a 1-year prospective study International Journal of Rehabilitation Research 38(2) 131-136 2015
Matsumoto H et al.: Incidence and Risk Factors for Falling in Patients after Total Knee Arthroplasty Compared to Healthy Elderly Individuals Yonago Acta
medica 57 137-145 2014
松本浩実、他:3軸加速度計歩行分析によるロコモティブシンドロームスクリーニングの妥当性について 運動器リハビリテーション 24(4) 383-389 2013
Matsumoto H et al.: Fall incidence and risk factors in patients after total knee arthroplasty Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery 132 555-563 2012
松本浩実、他:若年者と比較した高齢者の下肢筋力運動時筋電図分析 運動療法と物理療法 21(4) 336-342 2010
松本浩実、他:人工股関節全置換術患者の術後早期における中殿筋筋活動と歩行機能の回復について 理学療法科学24(5) 665-668 2009
松本浩実、他:ギャッチアップ座位のずり下がり姿勢が呼吸筋活動とエネルギー消費に与える影響 理学療法科学23(5) 659-663 2008
瀧 慎伍 TAKI Shingo 研究協力者
Taki S, et al.: Identifying the characteristics of patients with stroke who have difficulty benefiting from gait
training with the hybrid assistive limb: a retrospective cohort study. Front. Neurorobot 18, 2024.
Taki S, et al.: Effects of gait training with the Hybrid Assistive Limb on gait ability in stroke patients: A Systematic Review of
Randomized Controlled Trials. Journal of Clinical Neuroscience in press
Taki S, et al.: Effects of exoskeletal lower limb robot training on the activities of daily living in stroke patients: re-post comparison using propensity score matched
analysis. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 29(10):105176 2020
田村 拓之 TAMURA Hiroyuki 研究協力者
Tamura H et al.: Clinically significant effects of gait modification on knee pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal
Rehabilitation 37(1):3-12 2024.
Tamura H et al.: Reliability of a markerless motion capture
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小野 晃路 ONO Koji 博士課程後期
修士(リハビリテーション学 )、理学療法士、運動器認定理学療法士、基礎理学療法専門理学療法士、介護予防認定理学療法士
Researchmap https://researchmap.jp/koji_ono
Ono K et al.: The effects of walking training with poles on walking ability: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. PM
R,15(8):1026-1037, 2023
小野 晃路、他:ノルディックウォーキング時のポールが歩行時の床反力に与える影響 運動器リハビリテーション = The journal of musculoskeletal medicine : 日本運動器科学会誌 27(3), 325-332, 2016
吉川 大志 KIKKAWA Taishi 博士課程後期
吉川大志、他:免荷式歩行器の前進負荷機能を用いた歩行練習により歩行能力が改善した既往症を有する腰部脊柱管狭窄症の1例-シングルケースデザインによる検討 理学療法ジャーナル 57(3) 357 - 362 2023
吉川大志、他:脳卒中片麻痺者2例に対する短下肢装具の装着改善に向けた工夫と実践 支援工学理学療法学会誌 3(1) 55 - 61 2023
Kikkawa T et al.: Practice of gait training using lower-limb orthosis and body weight-supported walker for severe acute motor
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吉川大志、他:免荷式歩行器を用いた歩行練習が回復期脳卒中片麻痺者の歩行速度に与える即時的変化 支援工学理学療法学会誌 2(1) 5 - 13 2022
吉川大志、他:COVID-19クラスターが発生した総合病院における消毒剤消費量と個人防護具費用の変化 総合リハビリテーション 50(12) 1439 - 1442 2022
篠永 篤志 SHINONAGA Atsushi 博士課程後期
Shinonaga A et al.: Relationship between preoperative hip range of motion and anxiety about dislocation after total hip arthroplasty. J Joint Surg Res 1
152-157, 2023
Shinonaga A et al.: Prevalence of frailty by age among patients who have undergone total hip arthroplasty. Geriatr Gerontol Int. 2023.
Shinonaga A et al.: Relationship Between Preoperative Psoas Major Muscle Quality and Forgotten Joint Score-12 in Patients After Total Hip Arthroplasty. Arthroplast Today.
米原 希 YONEHARA Nozomi 博士課程後期
錦織 拓海 NISHIKORI Takumi 博士課程前期