Tanaka R, Tamura H, Hirohama K, Hamada K, Imura T, Mitsutake T. Effect of gait modification on knee pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis. 16th Asian Confederation for
Physical Therapy Congress 2023 in BangKok
Iwamoto Y, Tanaka R, Imura T, Mitsutake T, Jung H, Suzukawa T, Taki S, Imada N, Inagawa T, Araki H, Araki O. Clinical prediction rule for identifying the stroke
patients who will obtain clinically important improvement of upper limb motor function by robot-assisted upper limb rehabilitation. World Physiotherapy World Physiotherapy Asia
Western Pacific Regional Congress with HKPA Conference.
Taki S, Imura T, Mitsutake T, Iwamoto Y, Degami A, Imada N, Araki H, Araki O, Tanaka R. Development of a prediction model for therapeutic effects
of robot-assisted gait training for stroke patients. World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific Regional Congress with HKPA Conference.
Nishimoto J, Tanaka S, Inoue Y, Tanaka R. Minimal clinically important differences of the Japanese knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score (J-KOOS) in patients who
underwent total knee arthroplasty. World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific Regional Congress with HKPA Conference.
Ono K, Nishimoto J, Imura T, Mitsutake T, Inoue Y, Tanaka S, Tanaka R. The effects of walking training with poles on walking ability: a systematic review and meta-analysis of
randomized controlled trials. World Physiotherapy Asia Western Pacific Regional Congress with HKPA Conference.
Tanaka S, Jung H, Tanaka R. The relationship between frailty and body composition in older adults. ISPRM 2022
Yamashina S, Harada K, Tanaka R, Inoue Y. Relationship between observation-based gait abnormality assessment and physical activity after one year in patients with knee
osteoarthritis. ISPRM 2022
Tanaka R, Ozawa J: Clinical Prediction Rule for Pain Relief in Conservative Treatment of Patients with Knee Osteoarthritis. International Society of Physical and
Rehabilitation Medicine (ISPRM) 2018 Conference (Paris)
Tanaka R, Hayashizaki T, Taniguchi R, Kobayashi J, Umehara T: Effect of an Intensive Functional Rehabilitation Program on the Recovery of Activities of Daily Living after
Total Knee Arthroplasty-A Multicenter, Randomized, Controlled Trial-. WCPT-AWP & PTAT Congress 2017 (Bangkok)
Tanaka R, Hirohama K, Ozawa J: The Influence of Catastrophizing on Pain Worsening Via Disuse and Disability in Patients with Symptomatic Knee Osteoarthritis. The Asian
Confederation for Physical Therapy (ACPT) 2016 Conference (Kuala Lumpur)
Tanaka R, Ozawa J, Kito N, Moriyama, H: Does Exercise Therapy Improve Health-related Quality of Life in People with Knee osteoarthritis? : A Systematic Review. The European
League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) 2015 (Roma)
Tanaka R, Ozawa J, Kito N, Moriyama, H: Effects of Exercise Therapy on Walking Ability in Individuals with Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of
Randomised Controlled Trials. Asia-Oceanian Conference of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 2014 (Bangkok)
Tanaka R, Ozawa J, Kito N: Land-based Exercises Duration or Frequency does not Influence Effectiveness of Reducing Pain in Osteoarthritis of the Knee : A meta-analysis. World
Physical Therapy 2011 (Amsterdam)